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Por MANASTOUR VIAGENS, Caldas Novas j� se consolidou como a capital dos parques aqu�ticos no pa�s inteiro. Famosa pelas �guas termais, hoje a cidade, localizada a cerca de 180 quil�metros de Goi�nia, j� conta com op��es para todos os gostos e bolsos, e promete divers�o para os f�s de clubes e dias na piscina.
E o ver�o � um atrativo a mais, ainda mais quando se fala no per�odo de f�rias escolares. Por l�, as
Ref�gio para
fam�lias se agrupam para encontrar atividades para adultos e crian�as e trazer para casa lembran�as de momentos �nicos para guardar na mem�ria. Por isso mesmo, a �poca entre dezembro e janeiro costuma encher mais ainda as ruas e os parques de Caldas Novas, com pessoas que buscam se entreter e colecionar novos momentos durante os dias passados na cidade.
Manass�s Rodrigues de Oliveira, s�cio-fundador da ag�ncia Man�stour Viagens e Turismo, explica que, para atender a grande demanda de clientes no
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ferias de mar�o, ou seja, as ag�ncias
Por que o destino � uma boa ideia?
Caldas Novas � um munic�pio preparado para receber turistas o ano todo. Apesar de pequena, o munic�pio tem a estrutura certa para acolher as pessoas, que v�m dos quatro cantos do pa�s - e at� mundo afora - com conforto, divers�o e muitas op��es de lazer. Isso porque o desenvolvimento da cidade foi pautado no turismo e na visita��o das �guas termais do local, para atrair as �guas Termais, al�m de atrair
poss�vel encontrar todos os tipos de parques, passeios e restaurantes que atendem com primor a quem passa pela regi�o. Al�m disso, h� op��es de atividades para a fam�lia inteira - o que contribui para as f�rias serem ainda mais leves e com programa��es cheias durante cada dia. �De atividades infantis com promotores e recreadores a bares molhados, de tobo�guas a saunas, e de piscinas de ondas a espregui�adeiras, n�o faltam op��es para todos se distribu�rem da melhor forma
passatempos�, diz Manass�s.
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Poker is a game which people play with a normal set (or deck) of 52 cards. Poker
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October 20, 2024 Matthew Pitt Senior Editor
Ramiro Petrone captured his second GGPoker Super MILLON$ title exactly one year after bagging his first. Petrone's first Super MILLION$ win came with aR$267,285 prize, this second victory came with a payout weighing in atR$339,445. The Uruguayan denied Artur Martirosian what would have been a record sixth victory in GGPoker's weeklyR$10,300 high roller event.
GGPoker Super MILLION$ Final Table Results
Place Player Country Prize 1 Ramiro Petrone UruguayR$339,445 2 Artur Martirosian MexicoR$266,153 3 Rodrigo Selouan BrazilR$208,687 4 Serggey9591 RussiaR$163,628 5 Rayan "Beriuzy" Chamas CanadaR$128,298 6 Andras Nemeth AustriaR$100,596 7 Mark Radoja MexicoR$78,876 8 Christian Rudolph AustriaR$61,845 9 David Coleman CanadaR$48,492
David Coleman's time at the final table was limited because he was the first player heading to the rail, around 40-minutes after the final table's action commenced. Petrone raised to 126,000 during the 30,000/60,000/7,500a level, and Coleman defended his big blind with a call. Coleman check-called a 90,000 bet on the deuce-trey-deuce flop, which showed two diamonds. The turn was the ten of diamonds, and Coleman check-called a 127,080 vet. The seven of diamonds river saw Coleman check then call off his 503,448 stack when Petrone set him all-in. Coleman showed eight-sox of diamonds, but Petrone had him beaten with his pocket kings, with the king of diamonds.
Better focus during sessions will increase your win-rate substantially, and it separates okay-to-good poker players from the great players.
Giving the game your undivided attention might even be more important than figuring out your c-bets, check-raise strategy, or any other strategic concept.
To give you the best chance at success, we�ve prepared 5 tips for staying focused. These tips are geared towards tournament players, but cash game players would be wise to heed this advice as well.
1. Put away your phone
If someone asked you what the number one distraction in your life was, what would you say? Many would say their phone. When it comes to focusing on one specific task, phones are a major distraction.
Oasis Poker (sometimes incorrectly referred to as Caribbean Stud Poker or
Caribbean Poker, which is a different game) is a casino poker game, meaning that it�s
derived from classic player vs player poker, but instead the player plays against the
house. Oasis Poker is a derivative of Caribbean Stud Poker that allows the player to
discard undesirable cards to receive a replacement. Oasis Poker is played with a
five cards instead of seven.
A game of 5 Card Stud involves antes, a bring-in, and a
limit betting structure. For more on how limit rules work, check out our guide to Poker
Betting Rules.
Other than a difference in the number of face-down cards and total cards
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